how the universe works extreme stars transcript

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An airless chamber simulates the vacuum of space. So one day, if somebody knocks on your door and claims to be your great-great-great-great- great-great granddaughter, don't slam the door. Learn how nuclear fusion keeps them burning for billions of years and what powers our nearest star: the sun. Everything in our galaxy, including our own solar system, orbits around a supermassive black hole. If a human were struck by all these laser beams, they would drill a hole right through them. At the heart of a white dwarf, astronomers believe there's a giant crystal of pure carbon. Enjoy my Huzzaz video collection! Back then, the universe was filled with clouds of gas from the Big ***. Mi hermana se sorprende N-F C-F Cl-F F-F 2 Answers C-F is the most polar. In some sense, matter, which makes up our body, is concentrated energy, condensed energy energy that has condensed into the atoms that make up our universe. It circles around a supermassive black hole weighing 140 million times more than our sun. Every star is powerful, creating the basic matter for everything in the universe including us. Watch How The Universe Works Season 7, Catch Up TV Documentary & Special Interest The presenter sheds light on the origin of the universe while various world-renowned physicists present their fascinating theories.. More Watch Latest Season 7 22. An Hinglish word (Hindi/English). Certainly not all storytelling works portray exciting and glamorous protagonists, but there is certainly a large segment of works that is labeled "escapist." Some critics deride such escapist pieces of art, and indeed a lot of very good books, movies, and comics deal with more realistic settings and topics to great effect. At the center of the new galaxy is a young, supermassive black hole feeding on the gas, getting bigger and bigger. The core of a massive star is a kind of factory, manufacturing heavier and heavier elements which is what also leads to the star's destruction. And so when the photon is created, it doesn't get very far before it immediately slams into another atom another proton, another neutron, something. It is an infrared telescope, which means it measures the heat that passes through nebulas. Inside the tokamak, hydrogen atoms naturally repel each other. 15 million degrees, ___________________ begin to fuse together and a star is born. But even a picture can't compare to witnessing it for yourself. To get it, they'll need a telescope as large as Earth itself. It's hidden by a dense cluster of stars circling the heart of the galaxy. But it's not nearly big enough to capture an image. 20. But there might still be a way to take a picture of the very edge of the black hole the event horizon. Thelisatran. Optical telescopes can't see the black hole directly. Posterior Thigh _____ 4. We really just don't know what happens at the center of a black hole. The death of massive stars creates the building blocks of the universe The seeds of life itself. Seeking hidden secrets and the evolution of our universe. Gravity pulls the dust and gas into a giant swirling vortex. Where did it all come from and how does it all fit together. At its center, gravity crushes the gas into a superdense, super-hot ball. Some scientists believe we could use black holes as a kind of portal, with the potential for travel across the universe. And that makes me, at least, appreciate the way things are right now because they weren't always that way, and they won't always be. There are billions of black holes in the universe. Our destiny is linked to the destiny of stars. The flash of light announces the birth of a new black hole on the other side of the universe. The antenna will move in azimuth and elevation. The first episode features the story of how stars were made. The core of the sun then becomes unstable and the stars outer layers get blown away. Log in Sign up. As matter swirls into the black hole, it gets incredibly hot. A black hole is pretty much the end point of everything. And if that light gets too close, the black hole swallows it. When these massive stars explode it's called a supernova and it is the most violent event in the universe. (80) 8.9 2010 TV-PG. 42min. They're so intense, they can outshine an entire galaxy. Picked up by the orbiting SOHO satellite, this is the sound of the Sun. These energy waves blow away the star's outer layers. Each jet is 20 times wider than our solar system and shoots clear through the galaxy. [citation needed] He died at age 77 at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center on September 11, 1971, the year of his final film appearance. Stars produce massive amounts of heat and light over billions of years. The only way to find out more about black holes is to get a good look at one. There's nothing left to hold it up, and the core collapses down into a black hole. Well, near that central black hole, things are getting very hot. The sunlight from our sun that bathes us and warms us every day is nothing but starlight because our sun is nothing but a star like all the rest. A primer for anyone who has ever looked up at the night sky and wondered. Some of the most ex otic matter known to science called a neutron star solid nucleonic matter, the most fantastic state of matter in the universe. We have this constant tension between gravity, which wants to crush a star to smithereens, and, also, the energy released by the fusion process, which wants to blow the star apart. Probably every big galaxy was a quasar when it was young. Heat passes through the thick dust of the nebulas, allowing Spitzer to see new stars coming to life inside. They look like tiny planets racing around an invisible sun. Ghez has taken thousands of images over the last 15 years. Anything that gets too close is doomed planets, stars, even whole solar systems. Once upon a time, people thought that black-hole physics was too fantastic to be true. Current observatories operating at X-ray and gamma-ray energies, such as the Chandra X-ray Observatory, NuSTAR, Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, and ESA's XMM-Newton, are producing a wealth of information on the conditions of matter near compact sources, in extreme gravity fields unattainable on Earth. There are more stars in the universe then there are specks of __. b) Calculate the wavelength (in nm). But it's more than just a big, empty, sucking piece of space. Yes, the Kremlin and the CCP have committed public self-defeating errors in the past two years, but also in the past two years, the world watched as an American president summoned a mob to overturn a free and fair election and kill officers of the law. Its mass would be more than that of the entire sun; all packed into a sphere maybe 20 km across. complete his famous equation. That mass that you lost, the missing mass, turns into energy. Perhaps our descendants in the future have already mastered this technology. It's effectively a large magnetic bottle a cage to hold a very hot plasma. The universe contains all the energy and matter there is. And when you bring matter together and you squeeze things into smaller spaces, they necessarily heat up. The main idea of the Ptolemaic System was that the planet Earth was the center of the universe and all of the other planets, stars, and the Sun revolved, or circled, around it. Documentary There are just eight planets in our solar system, but there could be a hundred billion planets in our Milky Way galaxy alone. Determining the nature of dark energy, its possible history over cosmic time, is perhaps the most important quest of astronomy for the next decade and lies at the intersection of cosmology, astrophysics, and fundamental physics. Okay, so, the one thing we do understand is that black holes are born from dying stars. 64 terms. Evaluations; Managed Services; Storefront; Pricing The way black holes are really devastating is because when you get close to them, the gravity gets super-strong. A young galaxy is a vast cluster of stars, stars that formed from clouds of gas. It would be spectacular if we can go right up there, nose-to-nose with the event horizon of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. 6 Answers They say Kali Ma Theyre referencing this scene from the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: How the universe works: Extreme stars video questions? Why can fusion constantly occur in stars when people can only create it for a second? If you could take a sugar-cube-sized chunk of white dwarf and put it on the surface of the Earth, it would be so dense, it would fall right through the ground. Inside this laboratory near Oxford, England, there's an 80,000-pound machine. The secret of the stars is Einstein's equation e=mc2. Complete his famous equation: E = MC^2. Sign up for our email newsletter for the latest science news, Want More? There is only one place in the universe that generates that much gravity. It has 20 times the mass of the Sun, and that means what's going on in its core is very different than what's going on in the Sun's. And when there's no hydrogen left, there'll be no new stars. Spanish Help 2. Perhaps we could simply rocket across the universe through a subway system that we call a black hole. We call the event horizon "event horizon" quite simply because it separates space into two regions. But the giant red star is self-destructing. Improve the online video streaming experience for your audience with just a few clicks! How many galaxies we have in the observable universe? Does this mean addressing to a crowd? The oceans will boil, the mountains will melt, and we'll have the last nice day on the planet Earth. Seattle, Washington(WA), 98106. 25. nuclear power are left after a supernova. So the only way the real black holes of the universe form is if gravity can do the job itself. Uranus & Neptune: Rise of the Ice Giants (62 min), Request What you would see is a huge, swollen, bloated, red disk slowly reaching up over the horizon. It's blasted into space in huge jets of energy. Season 1. In 2004 the Spitzer Telescope was launched. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Address: 9241 13th Ave SW This is still very speculative, but the mathematics seem to indicate that as you fall through a black hole that you don't simply die you fall right through a wormhole, which is a gateway, a shortcut through space and time. If it points the camera forward, at first it sees only black, but as it moves toward the heart of the black hole, it encounters the most bizarre place in the universe. At these temperatures, the energized hydrogen atoms are moving so fast, they can't avoid smashing into each other. Our solar system lies in the Milky Way galaxy. And since an up-close visit is, well, not a good idea, astronomers are trying to devise a way to take a picture of the supermassive black hole at the heart of our own galaxy. Albert Einsteins theories proved that stars tap into the energy of atoms. In 1987, a brilliant light appeared in a nearby galaxy These pictures record the events following the death of a massive star as a fireball trillions of kilometers wide hurtles out into space. We can actually see the very earliest parts of star formation. Only at that mind-boggling temperature can atoms of gas begin to fuse together, releasing massive amounts of energy. Now start to crush it and keep crushing until it's packed so tight even the atoms themselves collapse. 18. A primer for anyone who has ever looked up at the night sky and wondered. If the probe points its cameras backwards, towards the entrance of the black hole, it will see light being sucked in. All but the second and eighth seasons were narrated by Mike Rowe. 21. Giant stars live fast, burn bright, and die hard. 20. gases in the sun will expand and it will turn into a _____________ _______________. Temperatures here on Earth will reach thousands of degrees. It would be the size of a golf ball, yet weigh the same as the Earth, with the same amount of gravity. 6. El subjuntivo Many billions of kilometers across, they drift through space, forming spectacular shapes. And yet once it hits the surface, it's only an eight-minute trip from there to here. With its improved sensitivity and resolution, ESA's Planck observatory probed the long wavelength sky to new depths during its 2-year survey, providing stringent new constraints on the physics of the first few moments of the universe. Episode 2 Curse Of The Cosmic Rays Cosmic rays that damage human DNA are a serious risk in manned space exploration. All that remains is an intensely hot, dense core. Gases in the sun will expand and it will turn into a red giant. Pressure builds until huge jets of gas burst out from the center. Black Holes 3. First, the massive stars will burn out, then midsized stars like our sun, leaving only the smallest. Although the interview I did for it was about a year ago, I do remember waving my hands a lot and talking about massive stars chewing through their fuel and exploding. For the photons, it's a wild ride, smashing into atoms of gas billions of times as they struggle to escape from inside the star. If you have a star, a supermassive star that's at the end of its life, the core runs out of fuel. Understanding how stars work could help us protect ourselves by predicting their most destructive forces. These supermassive stars weigh and have 100 times more gravity. 7 years ago. When you heat up a gas, it tends to expand and it blows outward. It's so violent, we can actually hear it. We live in the stage where stars glow and illuminate the night sky, when stars create life as we know it. You actually can never observe an object fall all the way through the event horizon. What's funny about this whole process is that it takes the photon thousands and thousands of years to get from the core of the Sun to the surface. B)Enter the the Ksp expression forC2D3 in terms of the molar solubility x. Jimmy aaja -M.I.A. In about 7 billion years, our Suns hydrogen will run out. The wonder is exactly why I study genetics. There are more stars in the universe then there are specks of __ sand _____ on Earth. Everything we know and love is built from this stardust. Less than 600 light-years from Earth, the monster star Betelgeuse is near death well, in space years. How the universe works (astronomy) Term. In 2004 the Spitzer Telescope was launched. Literally, our understanding of the universe that's important around us, the universe that's visible to telescopes, has been profoundly affected by our realization that black holes are everywhere. 14. But closer to the waterfall, the current is stronger, and the kayaker struggles to escape. So, when the Hubble space telescope looks into the far corners of our universe, it sees light that's been traveling for billions of years. The greatest problem facing physics at the turn of the last century was, what drives the energy of stars? It is absolutely the case of looking for a needle in a haystack, except we know exactly where the needle is. It's not an exaggeration to say that if black holes did not exist, we wouldn't be here. We are now entering the golden age of research in black-hole physics. Whatever we figure out later, we know now that black holes are everywhere. Maybe there was something going on at the heart of the Milky Way perhaps a black hole at the very center. At 15 million degrees, atoms begin to fuse together, and a star is born. But that's just the tip of a vast cosmic iceberg. So, as soon as that iron starts to be created in the core, the star has written its own death sentence. Some of the inner material comes out and trades places with the outer material, and that turning inside out is just what happens in a stellar explosion. And so it's sort of randomly moving around inside of the Sun, and it has to work its way out. Understanding the universe's birth and its ultimate fate are essential first steps to unveil the mechanisms of how it works. Gravity keeps the pressure on, sucking in gas and dust particles that smash into each other, generating more and more heat. Andrea Ghez has spent countless nights scanning the center of the galaxy for signs of a black hole. Seen from Earth, our sun is a blinding ball of light. Slowly it disintegrates and becomes a _____ _____. This power struggle plays out over the entire life of a star and this battle within a star creates light. But because we can't actually see a black hole, the best they could do was look for telltale signs. We literally owe our existence to black holes. THANKS! Watching these things shows the presence of a 4-million-times- the-mass-of-our-sun black hole, located right at the heart of our galaxy. Clockwork and Creation (aka Extreme Orbits), 7. 3. It's an actual movie of a black hole devouring a star in the constellation of Aquila. There are more stars than there are grains of sand on earth. Extreme Stars 5. Others in pairs, orbiting each other and coming together in huge galaxies entire cities made up of billions of stars. There are more stars in the universe then there are specks of sand on Earth. And so the gravity they feel is stronger. Now, with the help of new spacecraft and Earth-based telescopes, scientists are seeing the sun as they never. The story of how stars were made by the Universe and how Stars then went on to engineer everything else in that very universe. A beam of light could travel around the Earth seven times in one second. It's perhaps they don't understand physics and the laws of stellar evolution. How long does it take light from the Sun to reach Earth? Why is my internet redirecting to and how do I STOP THIS. Some of the worksheets for this concept are How the universe works extreme stars video questions, How the universe works big bang, Thesolarsystemanditsplanets, Planet facts work answer key, Atoms molecules and matter the stuff of chemistry, Planning a mission to the lunar south pole, List of greek and latin roots in . Early on in the history of the Milky Way, when it was a young galaxy, we were probably a quasar. A singularity is a point of infinite gravity, where space and time become meaningless. TVPG Series, Science/Nature, Science, Educational Series. And I don't find him funny." The "scam" happened 15 years ago, the president added, but he didn't elaborate. Any little bit of gas and dust is glowing. Gravity is the river flowing toward the falls, and a beam of light the kayak. Obviously, we can't send humans anywhere near a black hole. But the glowing, super-heated gas surrounding the black hole sends out radio waves that can be used to make an image. Your email address will not be published. Immediately, it starts to cannibalize what's left of the star. Fill in the blanks for the equations: hydrogen + heat + pressure = stars More pressure = more (COULDN T FIND). New elements are blasted far into space. In 2004, NASA launched the Swift probe to scan the universe for gamma-ray bursts. As the star rotates, the fields clash and burst through the surface. It's called fusion, the same force that powers stars. Traveling at over 1,000 kilometers a second, the hydrogen atoms smash into each other and fuse creating a new element helium and a small amount of pure energy. Until 2004 when NASA launched the Spitzer space telescope. Massive stars generate pressures and temperatures greater than anywhere else in the universe. January 6th, 2021 was Xi Jinping's best day in office. These appearances indicate the fact that the universe is represented in everyone of its particles. 3 Answers C5H5N in water > C5H5NH+ & OH- Kb = [C5H5NH+] [OH-] / [C5H5N] 1.5e-9 = [x] 1. Twin Suns: The Alien Mysteries (62 min), 3. Dense parts of nebulas contain the most matter. And most are small around 20 kilometers across. For the electronic transition from n = 3 to n = 5 in the hydrogen atom. It literally freezes at the surface because its clock is going infinitely slowly compared to yours. There are more stars in the universe then there are specks of _______ on earth. You can find the polarity of a compound by finding electronegativities (an atoms desire for an electron) of the atoms; Carbon has an electronegativity of 2.5, compared to Fluorines A) Enter the the Ksp expression for the solid AB2 in terms of the molar solubility x. The dying star doesn't just leave the corpse of a neutron star. Then you'd have to go inside the black hole. As you fall into a black hole feet-first, your feet are closer to the black hole. 4. If it got close enough to, say, Jupiter, it could actually pull the moons of Jupiter away from the planet itself. Faculty. Log in, Institute for Economic Development Programs and Centers, Channel 2 News Investigation Team Chicago, 30 Day Forecast For Longboat Key, Florida, Blizzard The Storm That Changed America Summary, I Hope I Am Getting My Point Across Meaning, Meeting Room Booking System Integrated With Outlook, South-West Texas Border Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network, UTSA Procurement Technical Assistance Center, Center for Community and Business Research, Southwest Trade Adjustment Assistance Center. Some of the more dramatic parts of a nebula are not the beautiful glowing gas that you see but the dark parts. -Star will heat up and the gas will expand causing the sun to swell. Supernovas 6. How the Universe Works: Galaxies Word. 23. It's a long way off, but scientists are already speculating about a mission to a black hole A one-way trip to the most dangerous place in the universe. <p>It would just be flinging planets left and right everywhere as it whipped through the solar system, leaving disaster in its wake. That new ray of light has a long way to go just to reach the star's surface. When massive stars 10 times heavier than our sun die, gravity crushes them, creating a huge explosion, a supernova. Using the Milky Way as our model, we can multiply the number of stars in a typical galaxy (100 billion) by the number of galaxies in the universe (2 trillion). Their immense gravity holds them together, 16. If our Sun was the size of Betelgeuse it would reach out as far as the planet ____Jupiter______________. But soon, we hope we'll be able to see it. So, when you think about star stuff, look around you. That really shows you how violent a process star formation is. 5. hundreds of new stars are born from one nebula. But take away the glare, and one of the most powerful objects in the universe appears in our own backyard. 23. And it's inside the largest stars. The idea that the Sun will become this sort of cool, dark lump of cinder material is kind of sad. This is the most powerful gamma-ray burst Swift has detected so far. We now know there are wandering nomads throughout the Milky Way galaxy vagabonds throughout the galaxy, where black holes can come up right behind you and perhaps gobble you up, and they won't even burp. The kayaker can paddle against it and get away. To be able to do this experiment, one has to be able to see the stars that are very close to the center of the galaxy and to position them incredibly accurately. Your spaceship you try to get around them before you get drawn in. The main difference between the plasma loops we make in the lab and the ones on the surface of the Sun is just their size. Everything that you're made of, everything in the world around you is made of had to come from the belly of a star that blew up a long time ago. Calculate the pH of a solution of 0.157 M pyridine.? On the other side of a black hole, there could even be a Big ***. A users guide to the cosmos from the big bang to galaxies, stars, planets and moons. So, in fact, rather than being obscura, they're fundamental to our understanding of our galaxies and our universe. 21. 02 Our solar system is 4.6 billion years old. This is a real photograph of a real quasar in the galaxy M87, Quasars blast away huge quantities of gas from the surrounding galaxy the equivalent of 10 Earths every minute. Huzzaz; Log in; Join Huzzaz; Getting started; Bookmarklet; Video gallery embed These quasars will eventually calm down as their galaxy matures and takes its final shape. Everything will disappear. In a millisecond, the core shrinks to a fraction of its original size and a baby black hole is born. Fusion at the core of a star generates the explosive force of a billion nuclear bombs every second. The Andromeda galaxy is our closest neighbor. It takes a lot of gravity to swing huge stars around in such fast, tight orbits. it is a infrared telescope, which means it measures the _________________ that passes through nebulas, 8._______________ + ______________ + ____________ = stars. What are the characteristics of the Solar System? Rating: 8.90/10 (avg out of 6919 votes) How the Universe Works Airs: Sunday Everything in nature contains all the powers of nature. We live in a season for life in the universe, if you will, that lasts for a few billion years. Motors then adjust the huge The image is clear enough to track the stars at the heart of our galaxy. 4 Answers aaja Come. Five four three two one We have ignition. Here in this lab in Rochester, New York, scientists are making a supernova with a giant laser. Your email address will not be published. We needed a fabulous source of energy that could drive a star for billions of years at a time. The stars at the center of the galaxy are moving at millions of kilometers an hour. When that happens, the enormous gravity generated at the heart of supermassive stars runs wild. Black holes are the most mysterious objects in our universe. 44:58. . The first volume of Mein Kampf was written while the author was imprisoned in a Bavarian fortress. Deltoid muscle _____ 2. 24.when these massive stars explode its called a ________________ __________________ and it is the most violent even in the, 14. constant heat, pressure, and fuel are available, 15. theyre immense gravity holds them together. And basically, what happens is, you get stretched out. The origin of the force that is pushing the universe apart is a mystery, and astronomers refer to it simply as "dark energy". Take a deeper look at how the cosmos is designed, built and operates on "How the Universe Works." Areas that were entirely dark now became bright. Now astronomers are looking for quasars, the secret to finding more black holes and figuring out how they work. But imagine if the probe was strong enough to survive and keep going. By counting gamma-ray bursts, astronomers can figure out how many black holes are being created. When one of these stars dies, it sets off the biggest explosion in the universe A hypernova. Now science is trying to simulate a star's energy source to control the power of fusion in a lab. The Winds of Creation (aka Megastorms) 3. In our galaxy alone, there are over 100 billion stars. If a black hole found its way into our solar system, it would rip us apart. Other galaxies, like this one, M87, have black holes weighing as much as 20 billion suns. And when the Sun is fully up in the sky, it's blasting down heat on the Earth. Yet most stars are so far away, their light takes hundreds, thousands, millions, even billions of years to reach us. Written its own death sentence go inside the tokamak, hydrogen atoms are moving at millions of across! Is the river flowing toward the falls, and it will see light being in!, turns into energy us apart, tight orbits object fall all the energy of atoms cluster of,... Where did it all fit together universe including us magnetic bottle a cage to hold it up, the... Happens, the star 's energy source to control the power of fusion in a.. Probe points its cameras backwards, towards the entrance of the black hole as soon as that iron starts be. With clouds of gas begin to fuse together, and a star born... So far, creating a huge explosion, a supernova forC2D3 in terms of galaxy... 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how the universe works extreme stars transcript