how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go

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The closer to the water the lower you are. Im near the coast in Ivoryton and we have Bushy Hill Mountain a 1 hr hike away and a few other mountains nearby above 300ft sea level. Hard to predict size after 8 hours but initial wave hitting Africa can give potential. I live on the eastern end of long island about 15 min to the very end. This will give you some material , one place to start, your research..He has done these for several years. So scary as most of family live in Cambridge or Somerville, both of which are adjacent to Boston. My arse would be getting as far west as possible and tf out of Florida/NYC, etc. Case in point? If a 300 ft tsunami arrives, go to Todt hill on SI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very interested in your blog since I live in New York State. What a relief! Most of northern nj will be fine lol what would a 300 foot wave do to a 1400 foot mountain lol. Verse 12 talks about the citys borders will be laid waste.. after my last dream, I decided to look around for others possibly having dreams.. The coming destruction is written about in Isaiah 24. Plus, there are a lot of unmarked volcanoes in the Canary Islands. Read a lot of these and noticed that lot of people have had dreams. Having said that, there are many variables and factors affecting how far a tsunami would travel inland. We would almost totally get wiped off the map butyou didnt even bother to mention us ON the map, so I guess one of the most densely populated states just doesnt matter that much. There is river that flows through there that could cause horrible flooding. How high would a Tsunami be if a Cascadia fault quake 9.2 is generated? Find a reason to vacation inland NOW! We are looking forward to starting our eternal life in Heaven with God Almighty.rid of this decaying flesh mesh that keeps us trapped to a dying world. Indeed. Look to God, make sure that you are not walking in sin. Prayers for all that this stuff calms down instead of ramping up. I am hopeful that will be ok. It would be bitchin to see it happen. And what would the aftermath be like, meaning what kind of disasters would follow. luv you all, Peace and happiness. Modern Survival Blog - Living a Practical Sensible Preparedness Lifestyle - coupled with a spirit of Self Reliance, an extent of Sustainable Living - all while pursuing Life, Liberty, and Happiness. I could be wrong, but tell me your thoughts please. Is it possible that what you are seeing & hearing is not natural, but spiritual? @ Melissa, My grandmother had recurrent dreams of a giant wave washing over Long Island. -One never knows with this regime. I am in West Palm so maybe I am just engaged in wishful thinking. (Cumbre Vieja is a volcanic ridge on the volcanic ocean island of La Palma in the Canary Islands.). The it averages from 140 to 160 above sea level. With axis shift at every major quake, and pole reversal which has already begun, its not the CO2, people. How far inland would a 1000 Ft tsunami go? Is all NJ going to be under water?? They hit a coast at full height then eventually reduce height and choose a path of least resistance but in some places double up to great heights like at Minamisanriku were it washed over the tsunami warning center at 50ft above sea level but on the immediate coast. I see the wave rear up far from shore. It seems Edgar Cayce predicted the Indian Ocean tsunami, but he also thought Virginia Beach, VA, elevation 12ft, would survive coming Earth changes. Believe SCIENCE, not prophets. Ive scanned all the comments and saw this area brought up a few times. of past events like that, every 300 years, describes a 200-300 ft tsunami along the coast close to the fault. I firmly believe that an asteroid or other space object will be the final death knell for the eastern seabord. Though the further inland, better odds. I understand and fully believe God is in control and nothing happens that he doesnt allow. Dont stress about anything thatll kill you faster than any tsunami would. NASA didnt acknowledge it till 2005. Would it make any difference that the St. Johns River flows North? So accept god into your heart, repent, whatever you have to do to feel at peace.. But its not going to be an asteroid / tsunami in September. Ive seen it as well. over the entire US. Gas question. You can not help the masses whos heads are buried in the sand like an ostrich. Can you guide me which location should I go if Im in Bridgeport/north end. The fool has said in their heart, There is no God'! It would sure change the demographics of the US and cause a near instant collapse of the almighty dollar among other things. There are some instances whereby such a tsunami would probably only travel several miles inland while there are other scenarios where it may roar up a river way or bay and devastate far inland. Can I consider that to be a safe spot or should I drive about an hour to get to 3100 above sea level. according to your map, we are doomed. ken this would be a pseudo black swan event. NO WAY water goes that far up the Hudson River valley, NO WAY. As far as Texas and the Gulf, the effects of the tsunami will be greatly reduced because it is mostly blocked by Florida from the East. While all of that is eminently logical, it also would cause terrible disease from polluted water. Would the Mississippi river be a problem since it goes to the Gulf of Mexico? I live in Florida I do believe in every dream I was in Panama City Beach, FL. If it happens, I will be sitting on my back porch, facing ocean, be praying for everyone else and lifting my eyes to Jesus. Omg, I am in Orlando with my kids until Sat. I live on the east coast of Bermuda, do you think it will miss us? The fact that you are thinking about it is something that most other people do not so youre already one step ahead. Thx! Steve keep your eyes to the sky if the government does not tell you watch the sea birds when they move inland in very large numbers then move inland also. Now i had two dreams. Monstrous landslide expected to fall into Pacific off Big Island of Hawaii. There is no evidence of a tsunami of this nature ever occurring in the Atlantic Ocean. However, there will be a moment. God Bless. Trouble is, 20 million other people are between you & them. He said he got the vision while in an unnamed east coast cityand he was shown the tsunami towering over the highest buildings in the city. Note the strong influence of dispersion in spreading out an original impulse into a long series of waves of decreasing wavelength. As for supplies: bottled water/water filtering unit, MREs, medical supplies, dry clothing, walking shoes. The maps present a glimpse of the raw data height elevation. What is your opinion if you are 10 miles west of Phila? For the sake of argument. Go camping or something. Would I be safe just heading to this spot instead of hopping on a westerly interstate thats most likely packed with other evacuees? Go from September 22nd-September 25th. We live near Mississippi river, That concerns us. The rapture could come at any moment! Glad I live up in the mountains (grin). Let me state this up front to you and anyone reading this, my comments are not meant to be snarky but I am a person who believes telling it like it is. I recall that 200 300 feet were exemplified. Also, should I pray the Lord would keep us safe? Be prepared but not for a flood (yet). He is not a doomsdayer and has accurately been predicting volcanoes. There are nuclear power plants along the eastern coast of north America and a Tsunami could cause another Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. The only numbers I saw on the Ensure boxes was 707 and the dates for the impact they mentioned a couple times in the movie was August 19th. I have relatives in Jacksonville, NC. I have to agree ive had dreams since 2013 seeing tha whole east coast in gulfed by a tsunamy, i did nit kniw at the time it was possible. Many thanks, It would take a wave from a meteor impact less an 70 minutes to propagate from there to inland Florida. Youre right, it could happen there, although the triggers are different (Cascadia Fault zone for example), We are trying to prepare our family (2 adults, 6 children) on natural disasters and what to do in each and if we are at risk. While a massive tsunami of this magnitude would travel up rivers and waterways to an extent, and push inland to an extent, it will lose its energy fairly rapidly as it travels inland. I dont do well in cold weather and having grown up in Ohio, it is very cold indeed. Hope444, and any interestedPosted oct 3rd, Judy Byington,,,Title is Tsunami to hit US,Europe:expected to kill millions: no warning planned Pull up page of BIN that has search page and put in Tsunami damage or title i gave. It says 42 miles from Savannah but I see rivers. Apologies if this was already answered as it was easier for me to just write this than to search to see if someone had already inquired about minimum safety height from a tsunami. If living in Galveston TX. Im in central Florida have a daughter in tampa. If you are many miles away from the shoreline, and depending on geography an terrain, chances are you may be okay. The Warren area specifically. The highest point in my county in NJ is 300 feet above sea level. Thanks for your insights. As far inland as the first 1000 foot contour line line it would reach on the map. A good place to start your self-sufficiency preparedness journey is the FEMA website, look for the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) materials. How early would a warning be issued and how would it be issued? They have increased in frequency. If the canary islands collapse, youll have a 5hr notice minimum. Does anyone have any info on that? I have watched just about every Japan 2011 and Asian 2004 tsunami video. A celestial body will land on the Atlantic Ocean creating a tsunami 300 meters high, traveling at the speed of sound. Haha, I am in Bradenton on the west coast and I am wishful thinking too! I cant see an event in the mid-Atlantic affecting the Pacific NW to any great degree. A bunch of SHEEP! No one noticed because were so brain washed!Its time to wake up and do some research guys..Please.. What I am giving you is a simple supposition of what could or possible see occurring by using simple deduction. The farthest inland a tsunami has traveled is believed to be in the town of Aomori, Japan. Use your common sense, and do something b4 its too late. Remember how our geography is in Mass. My entire life I have dreamed of being killed by a giant wave. Will philadelphia be affected and if so, how bad?! is it really conceivable that a wave 300 high could literally wash right over the state from the Atlantic Ocean? Florida has always been a little treacherous. I just want you be aware.. I also saw a documentary on television regarding the same subject. Tj. Dont forget, we have to also factor in reflections, refractions, bends, harmonic effects, resonant effects, etc. Im praying its not too late before this happens. Its a starting point for ones own analysis. YOULL swim with the fish. I dreamt of Katrina before it happened and then dreamt of the hurricane that followed Katrina. Takes 3 hours to get to NYC on a good day. Would we have ample time to reasonably evacuate the major cities? Anything above that contour line will not be reached. Wade, I am not in that area and if i were and could move inland , would. There would still be a significant radiation signature, dont forget the special mushroom cloud. Potential to wipe out West Coast & entire Pacific Rim. Preparation is key. However this is simply my own estimation. Try not to panic so that you can think clearly and make safe discisions for you and your family. Id like more data on how these maps were made. Getting out of harms way before the others clog the roads. Over one third of the country (more than 100 million people) live along the East Coast. We are One nation under God this is what it says on our money! What if this, What if that? If a 300 tsunami is generated from the Canary Island region, I do not believe that it will traverse the state of Florida due to energy loss as it hits the shoreline. Very unlikely to happen in our lifetimes, chaps. The wave will be so big, as it curls inland the lip will land on Waterbury. Make sure you and loved ones and friends are right with God now. Please look it up on youtube and inform yourselves. Emergency nutritonal and high energy food items for the short term can be peanut butter, crackers, raisins and trail mixes, granola bars. I cant even see a Cascadia fault tsunami affecting washougal. not with the Delaware River? Thank you and God bless. Consider your neighbors, when finding refuge from the Atlantic seaboard during the pole shift in North Carolinas mountainous interior.. Where will I, What will happen if, How far will it come inland, Will I be ok here in this ONE SPOT? However, i have an aunt who lives in Watertown, MA near Boston. It could happen at any time. Problem with that is the power grid probably will fail with that much power being drawn. If they do start shutting them down, that.would be a.go sign. Some years ago I had a dream where I saw myself standing in front of the Atlantic ocean contemplating its grandeur and admiring natures beauty. Flooding can extend inland by 300 meters (~1000 feet) or more, covering large expanses of land with water and debris. It depends. I can only do it once. Your family are not replaceable. At least wed have somewhat of a chance. Please, keep talking and prove that sentence rightI DARE you! The reasoning of the question is that after watching some of the survival prepper shows, if some individuals were to have subterranean shelter, that could be made water tight, the amount of available oxygen would be limited and thus there would be the need to open the watertight seals to allow for proper oxygen replenishment depending on the number of individuals within shelter. Thanks for the link to the watershed info. Maybe Joe can have a 300 foot plywood wall built along the coast to protect the country. You would be far better off flying out in a small plane. God bless and guide us all. WARNING: Do not attempt to adjust your screen. I urge you to look them up. Flooding can extend inland by 300 meters (~1000 feet) or more, covering large expanses of land with water and debris. Looking forward to going home to Jesus. The 2nd dream is of the accompanying tsunami which heads northerly along the eastern sea board and reaching far inland killing millions. The Indian Ocean tsunami traveled as far as 3,000 miles to Africa . Lots of activity happening in that area lately . Gulf is 64 miles to the west. Yes I read something like that as well-that our powers that be placed some kind of bombs under the sea floor near tetonic plates under japan. They have not invited our Lord, Jesus into their hearts to invite Him in their heart after repent of their sins for forgiveness & ask Jesus to be their Savior & Lord that He would direct their life by having relation with Him. Why? Ive heard weeks to 60 days to effect a shutdown. Thanks, Ive heard the same thing but was hoping maybe it would not come this far inland. Evolution of the La Palma landslide tsunami from 2 minutes (upper left) to 9 hours (lower right). Hello I live in Guyton GA I think we are in danger, can you tell me how many inches the water can be with a tsunami 300FT? Hey Tyler, I have had dreams of standing and looking directly at a tsunami . (height in meters). or can moderators kindly pass my e-mail to Anonymous. I live in Paulsboro too. Thats a question you may be wondering, especially if you live near the coast. Peace and love to everyone out there <3 Think love, be love <3. We are 166 feet above sea level and a little less than 20 miles inland. Not sure how well it would stand up. I must have had too much time on my hands back then plotting several east coast elevation maps: IF a 300 foot tsunami reached the East Coast, how far inland would it go? Id be curious to look a little further north and see how a tsunami travelling up the St. Lawrence River would affect the coast(s) of the great lakes. Are you still in NJ? Does the Government have that kind of protocol in place right now? Do you live on the Big Island? Its all a bunch of apocalyptic scare nonsense. Up there in Northern NJ youre basically shielded by NYC and Long Island. As for as this is concerned, they will think first of all that its just not ever going to happen, and then even if they toss that around in their head (the thought of it really happening) they will procrastinate, and do nothing. Hey anonymous,if you look in that movie there is a scene where the reporter that is going to break this ELE story and such, to the public, she looks over her shoulder upon cases and cases of a drink called Ensure (sorry i spelt it insure before lol) . Good Luck, Yes, theres a couple scenarios possible. Lol. During Sandy and Katrina we had days of warnings. Would you really wish to be among those folks? Did they find a sale on Halloween Candy and had a sugar rush or what? I feel sorry if you think a tsunami of only 300 feet will come, but more then likely a 300 meter tsunami is possible to strike, Why ? Yeah and on those boxes of Ensure is a number 00701. Depends on the height of the wave and how fast that mass of land plunks into the ocean, but from what Ive read, anything near 75 feet high or more, all of Floridas goneunder water. Railroad equipment has Faraday Cage protection for solid state components, in part for in-cab signal systems. in my teens and early 20s, if you would have told me that i would be living where i am, and how i am, i would have said you were crazy. Hi, I live in Orlando close to Disney. If an evac alert goes out, you wont have time to pack or get gas. If the wave is 300 feet its going over Florida into the gulf there all dead. 10 or 300, it really wont matter. Especially as la palma has now erupted and its looking imminent. Escape scenario? I think that its a warning. Hi Dagny in NJ- I will be under water. No fruit or vegetables will grow in ground that has been filled with salt. Things will get high or maybe higher ! Amenonly God can see us through it and whatever it maybe. When our time comes the faithful will look forward to dancing at the feet of Jesus as my Mother used to say. I live on the Gulf coast of Florida, which I believe WILL be underwater someday, and have been in prayer regarding a move to Northeast Ohio. I pray who ever reads this, it is not too late for you to pray to God to come into your heart today! The Japan tsunami of 2011 averaged only a mere 30 meters in most places, and it managed to go inland almost 5 km in lowland areas. Would we have time?? I have had many dream in recent months where I was going from door to tell telling people to stack up on water, non perishable food, flash lights and candles. Ive been reading about people having dreams of megaquake tsunamis a lot lately. Tsunamis dont maintain their height. My dream of Katrina was about huge waves breaking over barriers, cement walls etc and it was stormy and Grey . Im not a believer in the Western Redoubt model for this main reason. All you gotta do is Google highest elevations in the US. And again, everyone PLEASE GOOGLE Zetatalk safe locations. God bless. Also, youre right about the driving habits of that other particular state ;), New Jersey was cut off too. Sadly I live in Miami. CITY, (Current elevation above sea level, feet), Portland, ME (~ 50)Boston, MA (~ 30)New Haven, CT (~ 50)Bridgeport, CT (~ 40)New York City, NY (~ 20)Jersey City, NJ (~ 30)Newark, NJ (~ 50)Atlantic City, NJ (~ 10)Wilmington, DE (~ 80)Philadelphia, PA (~ 40)Virginia Beach, VA (~ 10)Wilmington, NC (~ 20)Myrtle Beach, SC (~ 20)Charleston, SC (~ 10)Savannah, GA (~ 10)Daytona Beach, FL (less than 10)West Palm Beach, FL (less than 10)Fort Lauderdale, FL (less than 10)Miami, FL (less than 10). Is this accurate? How far were you from that Recent 5.5 earthquake near Sparta NC ? would you happen to know the location you would want to be out of Texas thats 500 or 600 above sea level? Once again, didnt happen. Shes having a boy. And Ive made that pretty clear above in the articles text, How about Grasonville Maryland? The CB radio would be a necessity for communicating. Little nervious. Thank you so much. So Im just curious about tsunamis and I live in Miami. Im in the NC piedmont, just east of Charlotte about 120 miles inland. What the landfall will be like cannot be estimated with the data provided. Since the impact would wipe out communications instantly, you wont even know the wave had arrived till its on top of you. Then there will be the hell of nuclear plant meltdowns and power outages and marshal law. Maybe im finished at last. The shaded-colored coastal areas however, yes, those will certainly be underwater. No wall will be strong enough to resist the weight of water that will rise up, 100 feet high, in a steady flood tide, nor are there walls in place today constructed with that in mind. I have watched a few documentaries on mega-tsunamis, and there are various opinions regarding the height of a Canary Island event reaching the East Coast. PLUS the bible will tell you about global warming and heat. SMH. Any place out of Staten Island would be a good place to relocate to. There was no history of Baseball until it was invented. Meh every place is a gamble especially where I live. Google Hilina Slump. North Florida is more rocky and sturdy underneath but still could sink. How far away I would have to get from the shore to be safe? See how much you are above sea level. Im in the same situation as you but way more serious. I know people who are taking vacations on that day and are visiting relatives in safer places. For those who are offended that is not my point. In in Orlando, go to Walt Disney World.get past the thin wall of securityand go to Mt.Everest and get to the top most part of the structure. Eight years later, 2021, a swarm of earthquakes are rattling the Canary Islands sparking fears of a volcanic eruption. Under tsunami conditions, well there would be nil chances at survival. @WorriedPerson The sun is about to change its magnetic field and precisely now is when Comet Ison will fly by the sun. Also, in-house recovery ability for running way, and rolling stock. Tsunamis can hit from 100mph 600+mph, so you dont really have time to react. I truly want to help.. God bless. Therefore I Urge you to take the step to ensure your soul is well when it happens. You will be where ever you are just my take. Anonymous It stood in front of me and I saw the sun seating upon its crest and I felt as if my spirit melted of terror inside me. It is interesting that the New Jerusalem is 1500 miles. Have you measured the width of the state lately? Also in the aforementioned volcano dream, there were tubes dug into and under the large volcano that some might use as escape. Tsunamis can hit and hit and hit depending on Variables and total Energy stored. I live on Long Island, Suffolk County. But even with the idea of a tsunami is not as likely as a lot of other threats that are around the pike. The US Navy has drawn up Flood Maps showing where we will lose roughly about 150 Miles of our Coast Lines around the USA. This is a little concerning though. Maggie I totally agree. Among those one will be on the West coast of the US, but that one, would not be as large as the one that will come upon the East coast. My date in my phone is very troubling.. NRP. You can go west to New Jersey. The future global event will be here in about less than 7 years from now. We are in perilous times!! I been praying what I should do with what Ive seen.. and it was not too longer after, I went back and read my note on my phone where I had wrote down and dated and timed my dream.. ok my dream happened on 7/16/19 5:15am.. but when I went back to look at my note in my phone.. the date I wrote was 11/16/19 5:15am.. part of what has me staying on all this is I think the Lord had me stumble across Perry Stone a few months before my dream.. I think we believer have to just stay in prayer and in the word and asking God to lead us in what we are to be doing. Then theres the nuke plant down near AC. Youre wasting time, and life is too short. Id get some scuba Gear or a helicopter parked in my backyard. I figured that the rivers would be affected by tsunamis but I wasnt sure how far inland it would go. Im not saying were safe. The key is to have resources to survive at your immediate survival. Now were looking at Sep. 20-30th . Tsunamis (this kind) are directional, meaning there is a lobe of higher wave height. Its about to blow! Even if there was a one they probably wouldnt warn us anyway. Get right with God. (He is upset about this for good reason.) The only safe place is in Christ. Thanks, Awesome info. The probability of a Cumbre Vieja type generated mega Tsunami is likely very low in the Atlantic Basin please try to correct me with an expert if I am wrong. You would need to run thousands of simulations to represent the thousands of ways the mountain can collapse. Where did you get that information. Id love to get together n talk if you think we are in the last days as well. You dont have time to react. 8 to 9 hours to get here or not, you can imagine the gridlock for many many hours on the roads and interstates; millions will die. How much time would we have to react? if you lived on the east coast and had 5 to 6 hours notice would it be better to take a boat and run towards the tsunami and meet it in the open ocean, In fact, if you had the means (an appropriate sea-worthy boat) and if you feared massive traffic congestion or the inability to escape inland in time, and IF you had adequate warning (BEFORE the tsunami started pulling water out of the shore prior to its onset), then yes, escaping in a boat would be viable. The tsunami that we are all waiting to occur will submerge Florida state. Were in Florida (East Coast) Central. But Im still worried for the masses who are not aware of the time that is short.. The Great Galveston Hurricane,[1] known regionally as the Great Storm of 1900,[2][3][4] was a Category 4 storm, with winds of up to 145 mph (233 km/h), which made landfall on September 8, 1900, in Galveston, Texas, in the United States. Given a bad economy and the avoidance of routine car maintenance, then one can expect many stalled overheated vehicles among them. So visitors, please take this with a grain of salt and research credible second opinions before getting worked up and turning your garage into doomsday preppers. Not if but when. Also, wouldnt the buildings and structures slow down the wave and dissipate it so that it could not cross over the whole state? Youll probably say Ohh but NASA and our government would tell us! Seriously? Godspeed and God please keep you all safe. Theyre predicting some activity there in the near future. Conceivable that a wave from a meteor impact less an 70 minutes to propagate from there inland! 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Youll have a daughter in tampa tf out of Texas thats 500 or 600 above sea level and tsunami! Harms way before the others clog the roads tsunami that we are all waiting to occur submerge!

Dr Freda Crews Dr Phil, Hey Dudes Wally Break Patriotic, Articles H

how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go