algol in 12th house

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I cant begin to describe the nightmare since he was gaslighting me so relentlessly. Her path to becoming an astrologer started as a teenager, when she picked up an astrology book out of sheer boredom in a bookstore one day, and instantly became hooked. You must know your time of birth to accurately determine the houses in your chart. Recently, I talked to a young man with Algol conjunct the ASC. Chiron sq Lilith could be pain with sexuality, maybe due to abuse or just being kind of shut down/fearful of ones body, in general.Thank you for your sweet comment and Welcome Monique! #14 My Venus is in the 9th house of , & squares my Moon in the 1st house of . So then what is the point? When a planet is in that house, its like an actor on that set. Thank you so much Nicole! Venus Square Pluto 235 -70 He puts his emotions in his stomach and has stomach problems. Embrace your inner guardian angel qualities. Plus, the zodiac sign in the first will speak a different story, like zodiac signs which are not self-oriented. It hides what inhabits it. This guy abuseded me very differently though I suppose at the time hed fit the description of malignant narcissist or something close. I am so glad you are here and you commented Carla. ive known a mercury conjunct uranus who was very perverted, diabolical and mentally ill the best way to put it. Jupiter Square Neptune 056 -62 Only Her Son, the Christ (or Vishnu, or Budha, or Ahura Mzda) can slay her chains and liberate her so that we can get out of our misery and discover our real nature, which is bliss. The person is too intense such that he thinks his lover is cheating when she goes to the corner 7 -11 for milk. Ive got a lot of Saturn in my chart though. I think they have to work around them. With an apparent magnitude of 2.12, Algol is the second brightest star in Perseus . albeit also ones genetics and level of evolution also plays a part too level of contributory assholery but its not true you need the extreme aspects or more of them for it to rear its ugly head. Virgo Asteroid Deianira conjunct virgo moon, and virgo child and virgo Juno and virgo bride in 12th houseI married my a abusers because thats what I learned as love in my childhood, subconsciously it was what i knew, so it was the only thing that felt safe to me emotionally! as you well know, my Friend. jupiter aspects besides sun and mercury or to transpersonal planets seem to make the person aggrandizing, overly sexual, prone to megalomania (even mental illness) and have poor boundaries as in no respect for others as well as amoral or immoral type. Well, that is a big question, Winter. Great works of poetry, music, art, film and dance emerge from this space. It is now considered to be a point in your chart that shows you losing your head over something or someone. Diana, surely you cannot be referring to this post: This is where the line is drawn, transitions are made, and you can clear out what is no longer needed (that pesky baggage!). Hi Ami Anne. You can focus on your 12th house by the sign the 12th house falls in and planets in the 12th house. Algol represents disaster and inhumane acts. It helped me! They bring this pain on themselves and think it is others. drl bus schedule Transit Mars in the 12th House When transit Mars is in your 12th house, you're driven to retreat and reflect . See ? 19. Through uranian astrology I have Saturn conjunct the degree of my North Node. It represses and suppresses what inhabits it. [7]. I studied Journalism but Im not a writer or speaker. 17th Aug. 1973. 10. Every 69 hours, its magnitude dips for about 10 hours before returning to full brightness again. I have one already, K. this was gonna be a Part Two. Also 7th house stelluim with Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn sitting there closely together and my Virgo Sun is opposite my ascendant Pisces(Sun conjunct Descendant) so you can call me Miss Co dependent. Children were separated from their parents under Obama too, because no one can tell if the people theyre with ARE their parents or if they are human smugglers/ sex traffickers. 6 Mars in Pisces in 12th, male (My parents had no knowledge of English but a distinct sense of humor when they called me Wim-py ) Sun in 5th in Leo compensates a bit Its a blessing on the dance floor, everywhere else a curse That is the purpose of all of life. Thank you for that. I am sorry. You may fear being too independent, unconventional, or seen as weird and shunned. Yet you likely have a strong independent streak and can see the world in an original way. I have Jupiter conjunct my Descendant, Jupiter opposition my Ascendant, Jupiter square Sun, and Jupiter square Mercury. Without clear limits, we are tempted to explore things we know arent good for us, like Alice at the Mad Hatters tea party. Zaurak For example, if someone insults them, they react fast and in a defensive manner to protect their egos. Yet youre someone who can be quite the innovator, and lead people into the future. #1 My Mercury is retrograde 4 degrees in the 9th house of , conjuncting my 29 degree Sun in the 9th house of . Come on my Forum and you can post your chart! 14. This can be good or bad, depending on which planets and how close. Alcyone I express them pretty well, sun and mercury, The fantasy life piece had me cracking up, Its fun fantasizing ! Mercury sq Uranus is much worse imo, The birth must be between jan 10th and 24th 2021, I also noticed I have Pluto and chiron In Saggitarius they are in my fifth house which is in scorpio, Chiron in the 5th is hard. The first step to understanding your 12th house better and unlocking whats hidden is finding the sign your 12th house falls in and any planets you may have in your 12th house. Put their own children at risk, thats what they chose to do Can anyone tell me about Jupiter-Saturn conjunct Algol? Fixed star Algol is of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter (dignified, pious, conservative, acquisitive, retentive.) Maybe I am both. Native may become ascetic in the latter part of life. It is hard to let go and have fun. mars CONJ N Node In Chinese, it belongs to s group of stars called the Mausoleum. Sun Trine Asc node 042 100 There is talk about combustion between two planets what about three I have yet to find anything on this. Wow Alin. And then, the perfect soul becomes a suffering creature i.e. I analyzed the houses, signs, planets, and aspects of the career area. Child Asteroid Conjunct Dejaniraabuse but not as bad as Moon conjunct dejanira, but usually sexual abuse. On a physical, material level, the 12th house includes things that take us away from everyday life: institutions (such as hospitals, prisons, government offices), places of confinement, secrets, secret relationships, hidden enemies, and self-sacrifice for others. me: This intuitive, investigative reading can suss out what your closest birth time may be. Theres not a ton of stability with 12th house matters, so youll have to stay on your toesliterally, since the 12th house rules the feet. Pluto square mc In some ways, this might even be a relief! Did you have a really hard relationship with your father? What can you do? Weird coincidence! What's more, the house is a . The sword did remove a monstrosity from our world, and the monstrositys head did, in its turn, rescue Andromeda and by the same token, all of us from yet another monster of great evil. The moon transits (orbits) through all 12 houses in the span of a month. Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Capricorn ASCMay give the person a bony and kind of haunted appearance, such that the person may feel sensitive about how they look. On June 25, 2000, President Clinton announced the completion of the Human Genome Project [10]. The fact that my emotions are STIFLED because of this combination has actually served me very well. The person may have a beaked like kind of nose. If anything, Id say that when applying discipline to creative endeavors, albeit frustrating, will be rewarding, especially those of a feminine expression (connecting to nature, nurturing activities such as cooking for others). It is said to be one of the most unfortunate, violent, and dangerous stars in the heavens. The 2 times I get infatuated both of them appear to have mars in Virgo. For instance I have sensitive Neptune in Scorpio rising. jupiter square uranus But as long as suffering is real in out life, we still have Medusas head on and we should pray for perseus to come and behead her, so than we can get back the access to the highest aspect of our divine mother Athena / Mary / Lakshmi / Isis etc In conclusion, I really dont think you want your inner Perseus to be bought to trial you actually need him to come and save you, so that you can get back your creative energies and create a life that suits you <3 Wishing you all the best on your journey ^_^-Disclaimer : I am a sis-woman, feminist, activist for lgbtq+ community, with a Lilith conjunct NN, a spiritual seeker, teacher and astrologer. For a conservative person like Im, with my sun cunjucts sun, is very difficult admit it, but it is the way it is, and I feels ashamed about it, but cant help it, just the way it works. How amazing is it that an Astrologer can know what someone went through, from a few symbols on the chart. It is very hard to deal with any 12th House planet, let alone 3 or more. My Algol sit exactly at 26.0 in 4th house Taurus. The same is caused by Algol angular or with the hyleg. You may not be able to figure out the right balance in things like spend too much money or maybe reveal too much of yourself and then feel weird xoxo. That was very sweet of you to reply Jamie and think it would be wise to organise a reading so will follow up on that reasonably soon. Moon square Venus. Rebeca.That is super interesting. Interesting. From the mythology of Medusa, we can see her as a mutant. He sterilized 60 000 unfit, or mutant Americans and strongly influenced the Holocaust in Europe [8]. Mercury was conjunct Algol. i also have a capricorn moon though, cap IC with a hard family life, sun square uranus with the classic absent/dangerous father story, an 8th house stellium and 4th house moon 12th house mars. It's also called the demon star and is known to be associated with the goddess Medusa in mythology, and Goddess Baglamukhi in Hinduism. A 12th house stellium, therefore, refers to a group of three or more planets that are all located in the 12th house of a person's astrological chart. . Since when are these two ever seen as the hardest aspects? I would say his coloring is a little darker. YOU are the most important person to me. God Bless you <3. This planet is diverse overall and I cant wait until I travel to other places one day. Yet youre someone who is given so many responsibilities because you can handle them where others cant, and you can take the reins and keep the trains on time. In natal chart interpretation Algol has a bad reputation, however Algol as a talisman is a protection amulet. People of 10th House: Your boss, leaders, powerful persons, those with authority such as your father. Leo is the sign connected to pride, so your worst fear might be having someone who questions your self-worth or dignity and hurts your ego. Do you feel this? You may be someone who hides almost everything and has real trouble being open. The name Algol comes from the Arabic word , meaning Head of the Ogre. . Another toughie is Saturn square uranus.when its tight! My Sun and Mercury are one house apart. Primitive natives will be of the base mind with an inclination to brutality and violence, especially when Algol is found together with Mars or Saturn. Your Algol Sun is actually my 10TH house Mars in while my personal Sun - Pluto opposition is played out on the 10/4th axis. It did not keep me from a long course of self-study. Anyway thanks if you can help. Simple advice, but difficult to follow! 5. It is very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries if Algol is conjunction Sun, Moon or the malefics. Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889, p.333. [6], Fixed star Algol star rules one-quarter inch up the base of the neck in the human body. When Im Manic, I can have grandiose thoughts and think that Im extremely profound gifted, taking too many difficult courses at one time that even the most smartest kids, teens, and adults in the world couldnt even do. If you pick two, I will try to help and Welcome Alex! Yes, Neptune can cause a loss of self that may manifest in a variety of ways. Also, Im an identical mirror twin, which mirrors algol being a binary. If you have no planets in the 12th house, theres extra emphasis on the sign the 12th house falls in. Wow I have 5,6,13,18,21(12th), 23,24,27 maybe that is why I seemed cursed in finding love and all have pretty much given up. Those would be challenges. With my above comment, I was exaggerating about my school experience and that even though I maybe still gifted I still shouldnt take courses out of my range and overload my schedule being to eager and overhungry for knowledge. I think Im being victimized by my career. I have many of the above difficult aspects listed (asc conjunct chiron, moon in 12th, moon in Virgo, pretty much all personal planets in hard aspect to my north node, pretty full 1st house, as well as Chiron in my 12th house), and while I agree that they are quite difficult painful they are even more REWARDING and EMPOWERING once you learn what You need to learn in order to UNLOCK the power of that aspect so that it can be expressed and given. My previous relationship was an 18. yr marriage to a triple Scorpio (Sun, Moon, Mercury plus Neptune and North Node). Like the elder years of life, 12th house matters have an ambiguous quality. As well, it misses a lot of opportunities to discuss how squares and hard aspects are things you can work through to eventually get success later on, even if its not earlier in life. What seems to have been missed by the old school is that Capulus and Algol each have a very positive side to them. Venus in Scorpio makes the person feel as if he/she is over sexed. The opposition, on the other hand, allows for a back and forth motion, such as a yin/yan motion back and forth between either pole. I would say that but it would be subconscious, of course lol. This can keep you from getting the support and comfort that you need, so get in tune with your emotions, allow yourself to feel, and share that with others. He is too close to himself, such as one house which is too close to another house. You can easily burn out or become codependently entangled. I have Uranus in the 12th but I am 65 now so my wild and crazy lady is out there for all to see. You could use the paint program to white out your personal info, though. When you embrace that, those controlling people run away! If it were Lilith, it would be pain around sexuality. On the downside several of those hard aspects are found in my chart: My Juno is in Scorpio in the 12th, relating to spousal abuse I think. really have no conscience. You and astrologer IQ are amazing. I found that I can be my own boss but I need to find a community or something I can do. Our Suns also make a nearly exact square to one another. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine. Yes, about the Cappy ASC being a little old man lol. Perhaps because its retrograde but thats my two cents, Pluto helps a person NOT be an abuser and 4 degrees is wide too but it could be felt, I think, possibly, Woowww I have Pisces Moon in 12th house. But I also have a dictator placement, Pluto in the 10th house. I would suggest to leave a page like this alone and find articles with those placements that will hand off substantial information that you can trust. unaspected moon in cancer here. Mercury is Entering THIS Psychic Zodiac Sign What Does it Mean? These are just a result of my personal experience looking at charts, 1. I am still too shy to send him a text and ask him his birth year. I didnt know the 5th house pertains to royalty. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.56, 123, 124, 232, 242. uranus square N Node Uranus Trine Ascendant 156 28 You dont have to hide yourself. If not, it doesnt really count as Nessus conj the ASC,S. Taurus Asc. Strangulation, beheading, danger to throat and neck, murder, violence, mass catastrophe; the Demon Star; passionate; intense; hysterical. I guess its the evil eye aspect of algol(binary blinking star) and Medusa (stare that turns individuals to stone). Is it because we sometimes say off the wall stuff that people usually dont say? So you mean that, my Ascendant and Descendant doesnt count, only the planets do? With your limitless empathy, you lose track of time when supporting other people. Algol it appears to blink as shown in the animation below. Learning to love myself and put myself first right now but still I dont like being single . Would you be so kind as to have a quick sqizz at my chart pretty please? Another t-square that I have is Mars Square Venus and Neptune, and Venus opposition Neptune. Nonetheless, surrender is a gift of the 12th house. Venus Square Ascendant 704 -11 I am seeing quite a few of these difficult aspects show up in my chart! Empathy, you lose track of time when supporting other people as Moon conjunct dejanira, but usually sexual.... That people usually dont say bad, depending on which planets and how close so.! And dangerous stars in the latter Part of life I need to find community. 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algol in 12th house