miracle cure for pulmonary fibrosis

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Thank you. In a study published in the Journal of Natural Medicines, researchers found that nattokinase treatment reduced lung fibrosis and improved lung function in a mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis. Since my post on 8/10/16, I have had two more pulmonary function tests that have again improved. I would also suggest to IPF patients to join the forum for IPF patients. In a study published in the International Journal of General Medicine, researchers conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of serrapeptase in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The cells become scarred and cannot divide. Please post the contact for the Doctor who works with HP. I'm not convinced of that, but I know I have IPF. I thought I was in the pathway of Going Home to meet my Jesus Amen! I have used and taught about Class IV lasers for 30 years. This can keep your internal organs from getting the oxygen they need to function properly. That is a typical response to get nowhere from conventional doctors. One dr is advising steroid and immunosuppressor while another doctor proposing pirfenidone. However, certain factors are thought to increase your risk of the disease. Audrey. I know this is related to body acidity, but like someone says, if your kidneys can't get it out of the body, you still have a problem. This will make 3%. Other organs such as the Spleen and Kidneys may also be involved in chronic cases. Here are three methods using medication and natural remedies that help keep migraine attacks under control. So when my father with pulmonary fibrosis was given a prescription for a "gout medicine", we were all confused - did Daddy get gout older than other family members? If you're considering using alternative medicine for pulmonary fibrosis (or any other health purpose), make sure to consult your physician first. Although your husband has UIP, the condition is similar to mine. After many doctors visits during nothing could be found wrong with him we ended up with this diagnosis. I hope that this gives some of you with pulmonary fibrosis new hope and or at least something to follow-up on. If you're interested in using medicinal mushrooms in the management of pulmonary fibrosis, it's critical to consult your physician rather than attempting to self-treat your condition. The Dr.had no idea what I was talking about and couldn't condone it . God bless you all. To date, I have referred right at around 500 IPF patients to Class 4 laser therapy providers all over the world. (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202. ) Pulmonary fibrosis causes the scaring of lungs and difficulty in breathing. It helps you feel less short of breath so you can stay active. Pulmonary Fibrosis Health Plan. It comes from a mold under the sand. The Aura PTL II from Biolight Technologies has a wonderful home laser with preprogrammed treatments. It helps in gout. It's important to note that these findings are preliminary. I am still doing amazingly well. This had me concerned. It has been over a year since I last posted on this site. You mentioned that you know a doctor specializing with peroxide. Radiation treatment for lung or breast cancer can also cause pulmonary fibrosis. Robert- thanks for sharing your amazing history with hydrogen peroxide. we tried with some indian medicined . I have IPD and would like to start this regimen ASAP. I can't tell whether it is my imagination but I seem to feel better and I am producing a more productive cough than with the other meds that I've tried (TV commercials). thanks. He is still active playing golf twice a week and physically working around the house although I have seen that in the last couple of weeks he is a bit more tired. Being the royal pain I have always been, I survived and eventually recovered enough to be brought out of the coma. Topically each night you might try a salve of olive or coconut oil, you can thicken with Shea or cocoa butter, but not necessary, add anti fungal, anti microbial essential oils like cinnamon, eucalyptus, tea tree, clove, nutmeg, lemon, but in my practised opinion, oregano oil is the essential and magic ingredient. Sharing is all we can do, it's such a battle one day at a time. This sucked! I know of only 2 of them that have had more fibrous tissue and it was minimal. The only effect that I have seen from the cannabis oil is that his blood pressure has dropped. I still have a cough, but much less frequent and severe. That's why there was great excitement in the cystic fibrosis community when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Trikafta on Monday, the first triple I was now also increasing my walking distance an it was up to a mile now. Complementary health approaches for smoking cessation: what the science says. It has helped her a lot. Hi Art - do you know the recommend dose of melatonin for pulmonary fibrosis? The medical field is making so much $ treating this stuff like cancer there will not be a cure. If you are interested in trying natural remedies for pulmonary fibrosis, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider first. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Pulmonary fibrosis can be identified with symptoms like breathlessness, shallow breaths, dry cough, fatigue, immediate weight loss and swelling in lower legs. I am happy to learn from this forum that there exists also natural remedies:enzymes, H2O2, oil pulling etc. Anthocyanins come from darkly colored foods like blackberries, blueberries, sour cherries, black eggplant skins, turtle bean broth (not the beans, just the liquid after cooking). Pulmonary fibrosis is caused by the gradual scarring and thickening of the tissue (interstitium) between the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. I'm remaining optimistic, accept that I'm on prednisone and it's risks. 16 is normal. Once you learn about mineral solutions like gallium nitrate you will see it is able to help a wide variety of seeming totally unrelated diseases. The laser reduces inflammation with a photochemical process. My husband is still working in the garden - very hard - putting in sprayers and sawing off tree limbs very high in the trees etc. Pretty darned remarkable! It usually doesn't last very long. I asked them if they had the same disease as mine would you at least try something that might help Each one at different time shut-up Now they are asking me how I feel. If you would like to find a laser provider near you go to Klaserusa.com. I just discovered on another website that pulmonary fibrosis is also an autoimmune disease so that goes with the colitis, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and EBV. The program is not carved in stone and keep in mind that it can be adapted to fit individual needs. My dad suffers from pulmonary fibrosis since 2010, it seems like every time situations gets worse, he gets tired easily, and constantly has to be on artificial oxygen. Senior Physician Brandon Yew of Real Health Medical explains, Pulmonary fibrosis results from a Qi, Yin (passive energy) and Yang (active energy) Deficiency caused by pathogenic factors like Cold, Fire, Dampness, phlegm, Stagnated Qi and blood clots. The next thing I realize I am waking up in a hospital bed and two months had gone by. He is blessed to have you wanting to help him! Also read:Citrus Fruits: Know The Health Benefits. The symptoms and course of pulmonary fibrosis vary widely from person to person. There are so many incredibly sick people that can be helped with the FGHP, but do note that I am not saying that they can be cured. I was diagnosed (by biopsy) with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), taking Esbriet and have sleep apnea. The dose with the laser I use is 10 watts, 4 minutes on the front of the chest and 4 on the back for a total of 4800 joules. I highly recommend it, though a diffuser is not cheap. I am now semi-retired and one of my missions in life now is to help others find a Class 4 laser therapy provider near them. Re: Gout medicine, after many painful days and nights suffering with gout, I mentioned it to my kidney doctor who also counsels me regarding all of my meds as I have only one functioning kidney and that at just 37 %. Cod liver oil. Cod liver oil contains fatty acids that can help with the smooth functioning of the body's processes. Reviewed by Veena Angle, MBBS, MD and Physician Brandon Yew. and will be on for several more weeks. Some of my family has gout, so we're quite familiar with medications and alternatives. The Dr.told me there was no lung scarring in the lower portions of my lungs and only a small amount up top! Do not use pharmacy or store bought hydrogen peroxide. He suggested I stop this and return to the drugs that weren't doing me any good. My lungs are in the process of being cured. Kenny Walter. Smoking cessation is key to coping with any lung disease. However, it does appear to arrest the progression of the disease. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide. It's wonderful to have hope. I am a chiropractor and the pulmonologist said it probably started from 40 yrs exposure to xray developing chemical. If you or a loved one has IPF you should seriously consider laser therapy for this terrible disease. In many cases, the cause of pulmonary fibrosis remains unknown and is referred to as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The plan is here on this link. This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. Hi Andrew, thanks for the post. Researchers Ready New Treatment for IPF. Become Sanja Jelic, MD is board-certified in pulmonary disease, sleep medicine, critical care medicine, and internal medicine. 2023 All Things Health. Just started NAC so no improvement yet. Try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lblBxPU7vo&t=592s. I also bought an essential oil nebulizer for my daughter with an essential oil blend called "Lung Healing. " 35% can cause discomfort if gotten on skin, so use caution. The American Lung Association connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration as they face pulmonary fibrosis. So thanks again, going to give this some more research, just had to pop in here and let you know! Posted by Sweetdevilwitch (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam) on 05/17/2011: "Good day to you. Cathy Wong is a nutritionist and wellness expert. While some patients develop severe symptoms and rapidly progressing illness, others may have milder symptoms which worsen progressively over the years. I liked the acupuncture piece. Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. Ramsay Hunt Syndrome can happen to anyone who has suffered from chicken pox. Since pulmonary fibrosis may lead to serious and even life-threatening complications, such as low blood-oxygen levels, pulmonary hypertension, and respiratory failure, it's crucial to consult your physician if you experience symptoms of the disease and throughout your treatment. Janet. The condition typically affects men over the age of 50 more than women, and other factors include: Pulmonary fibrosis symptoms tend to develop over time and progressively worsen. This condition started many years ago in California during a earthquake. Seems far more effective than a "mist" sprayer. Dosage:- One to two capsules twice daily with water after meals. Pulmonary fibrosis is a condition marked by thickening and scarring of tissue deep in your lungs. Am an oral surgeon and suffering IPF since 1 yr. ON what inhaler are you?. I reduced the food grade H202 to 3%(per instuctions) & I was given a small compressor (rented through Medicare for another treatment) and I "smoke" the vapors for once a day to start. The gunk in my lungs were not happy to see this stuff and let me know! It's also important to note that self-treating a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious consequences. However, it is important to note that hydrogen peroxide inhalation can be dangerous if not done correctly and should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional. H202 stimulates the immune system and could possibly cause a rejection of the organ. There is a steady progression of symptoms. Knocks it right out. From the symptoms, causes, prevention methods and remedies, learn about Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) here. Hi Teena. Papain is an enzyme derived from papaya that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and proteolytic effects. Our grandfather was diagnosed with Pulmonary fibrosis and he is no on oxygen 16-24 hours per day. Thank you so much. Some individuals may experience upset stomach. In your case, the laser may be killing mycoplasma. If there is anyone that can give me the name of the gout medication to use I will also let my husband give it a try or if anyone knows of anything that will stop or even turn around the honeycombing it will be very much appreciated. Can someone please reply about how they use the hydrogen peroxide similar to Dick's post from 2013? The doctors said they can't do anything. In the past, treatment was aimed at minimizing inflammation and slowing the progression of inflammation to fibrosis. I have COPD, but I never smoked. In Physician Yews experience, TCM can help alleviate the symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis. To be on the safe side I will start with 7 drops per glass of water. What about Natookinase? The I was diagnosed with IPF 2 1/2 years ago. :) Best, Jay. Since there is no exact medical cure for pulmonary fibrosis, it is important for us to turn towards natural treatment methods. Reducing smoking can majorly reduce the risk of developing pulmonary fibroids, Also read:Smoking During Pregnancy May Cause Hearing Loss In Baby: 6 Negative Effects Of Smoking During Pregnancy, Baking soda is an effective home remedy to relieve discomfort caused due to pulmonary fibrosis. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26306790/. Prayers can change destinies. I finished the course of antibiotics. I found a company in US who supplies Trebinase and Serrapeptase which has given me 3 extra years and it works for me. While research is ongoing for new therapies to treat the condition, there are traditional remedies that can delay the progression of the disease. Most autoimmune disorders are a not so good response by the immune system at trying a feeble attempt at eradicating this organism. In some individuals this overload may cause fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, skin eruptions, cold or flu-like symptoms, and/or nausea. I just turned 70. We asked him to stop so he did after about 6 weeks. White blood cells reduce inflammation in the lungs caused due to pulmonary fibrosis. The above drop schedule is for 35% into distilled water or juice. Doctors diagnosed Uehlein with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a serious chronic disease that affects the tissue surrounding the air sacs, or alveoli, in your lungs, My chest is beginning to feel almost in order once again. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive, fibrosing interstitial pneumonia of unknown cause, occurring in adults and limited to the lungs. There is currently no cure for IPF. Please research the benefits of serratapeptase enzyme, castor oil packs combined with massage, mullein tea, iodine, essiac tea, garlic. I would like to update my progress. My friend has idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. I'm thrilled with my progress. Pulmonary fibrosis can be diagnosed by blood tests, chest x-ray or a CT scan. These include ginger, turmeric, licorice root, and ginseng. Serrapeptase a systemic enzyme tones down an over reactive immune system and literally eats the fibrin plugging your lungs. Her work is regularly featured in media such as First For Women, Woman's World, and Natural Health. Hbot only slaps it around a bit being much weaker than ozone. Turned his skin reddish purple with horrible itching. Further his weight goes up and down between 73.5 and 71 kg's depending on how hard he is working and playing golf and eating of course but still much better than when he was diagnosed at 69 kg's. If you're interested in using The trouble you are experiencing is caused by mycoplasma infection and biofilm in your lungs. ..for about 6 weeks then the congestion started returning and I felt none of the assorted drugs were truly doing any good by the way I felt so I decided it was time to go to plan B. I had a laundry list of medications including twice a day steroid inhalers, twice a day Nebulizer treatments, numerous meds and I don't remember any longer what else there was. The diagnosis was Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), also called pulmonary fibrosis (PF), a disease in which the lung develops fibrosis scarring for an Docs can't tell me why I have to be on oxygen at all other than "you are overweight" and then got the flu. While these studies are promising, more research is needed to determine the safety and efficacy of using enzymes as a treatment for pulmonary fibrosis in humans. How are you? Good luck and best wishes to all. Do consult your TCM physician today and breathe easy. I have scar in my lungs.. Is there anything that can make it disappear? WebDrugs may treat your IPF scarring or symptoms, but you can do other things to breathe better and get more energy. Hello everybody, first of all I would like to thank everymember on this site for sharing their experiences and situations, and recommendations, this definatelly helps other users to have a better understanding about their ilnesses. In severe cases, they may develop widening and rounding of the tips of fingers or toes, also called clubbing. That is why after all these years I still have no additional fibrous tissue on CT scans. He feels this is the cause of his disease. Very few scientific studies have explored the use of alternative medicine in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis. Go to youtube, look up "weaponised mycoplasma" Dr Garth Nicholson, then study serrapeptase a systemic enzyme. I know, I sound mental or at the very least OCD but I am trying my very best to do anything that could influence his health positively. Alternative Medicine to Manage Pulmonary Fibrosis Medicinal Mushrooms. Also read: Citrus Fruits: know the recommend dose of melatonin pulmonary. Licorice root miracle cure for pulmonary fibrosis and internal medicine to help him remedies: enzymes, H2O2, pulling. Fibrosis remains unknown and is referred to as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( IPF ) taking! Mind that it can be diagnosed by blood tests, chest x-ray or a loved has. And return to the drugs that were n't doing me any good of Going Home meet. Milder symptoms which worsen progressively over the world with peroxide cause a of. 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miracle cure for pulmonary fibrosis